Promoting Interprofessional Team Development in Team-Based Learning (TBL) Through Coaching and the Team Development Measure (TDM)

Med Sci Educ. 2019 Dec 17;30(1):621-623. doi: 10.1007/s40670-019-00888-x. eCollection 2020 Mar.


Background: Achieving effective team development for interprofessional Team-Based Learning (TBL) teams requires expansion of the traditional TBL faculty role of 'Guide on the Side' to include the roles of Interprofessional Education (IPE) Promoter and Team Coach as well as longitudinal teaming assessments.

Activity: We describe 1) a novel conceptual framework of TBL faculty roles, 2) the faculty development approach supporting these expanded roles within IPE, and 3) use of the Team Development Measure (TDM).

Results: The expanded faculty roles were well received conceptually, faculty development supported role implementation, and TDM assessments demonstrated team improvements.

Conclusion: An expansion of the traditional TBLfaculty role to include IPE Promotor and Team Coach and the use of longitudinal team assessments successfully supports pre-licensure interprofessional healthcare student teams' development over time.

Keywords: Coaching; Faculty development; Interprofessional education; Team assessment; Team-based learning.