Clinical Case-Conference Blogs: Integrating Clinical Librarians to Enhance Resident Education and Enforce ACGME Competencies

Med Sci Educ. 2021 Feb 23;31(2):375-380. doi: 10.1007/s40670-021-01229-7. eCollection 2021 Apr.


Resident conferences are primary educational endeavors for trainees and faculty alike. We describe the development of collaborative clinician-librarian educational blogs within the Internal Medicine (2009), Pediatrics (2012), and General Surgery (2018) residency programs. Clinical librarians attended resident conferences and generated evidence-based blog posts based on learning topics and clinical questions encountered during the conferences. In the decade since introduction of the blogs, this partnership has resulted in over 2000 blog posts and generated over 1800 individual views per month. The development of a clinical librarian-managed blog serves as a relevant resource for promoting evidence-based practices within a case-based learning curriculum, engages interdisciplinary collaboration through existing resources, and is generalizable across various clinical practice disciplines and trainees.

Keywords: Clinical librarians; Evidence-based practice; Web logs.