Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a glycosylated type-II transmembrane protein expressed in prostatic tissue and significantly overexpressed in several prostate cancer cells. Despite its name, PSMA has also been reported to be overexpressed in endothelial cells of benign and malignant non-prostate disease. So its clinical use was extended to detection, staging, and therapy of various tumor types. Recently small molecules targeting PSMA have been developed as imaging probes for diagnosis of several malignancies. Preliminary studies are emerging improved diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of PSMA imaging, leading to a change in patient management. In this review, we evaluated the first preclinical and clinical studies on PSMA ligands resulting future perspectives radiolabeled PSMA in staging and molecular characterization, based on histopathologic examinations of PSMA expression.
Keywords: PSMA; cancer; positron emission tomography; single photon emission computed tomography.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.