A case of pyelo-ureteral junction bilharzioma

Urol Case Rep. 2021 Aug 30:39:101832. doi: 10.1016/j.eucr.2021.101832. eCollection 2021 Nov.


Bilharziomas are inflammatory tumour-like masses which often pose the problem of differential diagnosis with neoplastic processes. Its location at the pyelo-ureteral junction is very uncommon. The pre-operative diagnosis of bilharzia of the pyelo-ureteral junction is difficult. Indeed, the diagnosis is most often made on anatomo-pathological examination of the surgical specimen, which rarely allows for conservative treatment. We report one case of pyeloureteral junction bilharzioma in children living in bilharzia endemic areas and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic issues of these cases.

Keywords: Bilharzioma- pyelo-ureteral jonction; Pyeloplasty.

Publication types

  • Case Reports