The growth period, phenology, grain yield and gum content of two different guar ecotypes were studied in response to different sowing dates and plant densities. A two-year field experiment was conducted as a split-factorial in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates in the research field of Tarbiat Modares University during 2016 and 2017 growing season. Main plots consisted of four sowing dates (May 21, June 4, June 21 and July 5 in 2016 and May 10, May 26, June 10 and June 26 in 2017), and subplots including three plant densities (13, 20 and 40 plants m-2) and two ecotypes (Pakistani and Indian). Based on findings, the phenological traits, plant height, grain yield and harvest index were significantly affected by plant density. The effect of ecotypes was statistically significant (p<0.05) on all traits except harvest index in the first year. Furthermore, the seed sowings on May 21 and May 26 with 13 plants m-2 led to highest grain yield (3004.8 and 2826.10 kg.ha-1 for two consecutive years). The high gum content (33.68 and 33.78% for two consecutive years) was also recorded for Pakistani ecotype while for gravity, Indian ecotype showed higher value in both crop years. By and large, the Pakistani ecotype showed better response compared to the Indian one in both years, especially in 1st and 2nd sowing dates.