A Hybrid Nanogel to Preserve Lysosome Integrity for Fluorescence Imaging

ACS Nano. 2021 Oct 26;15(10):16442-16451. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c05864. Epub 2021 Oct 6.


Fluorescence imaging of lysosomes provides a powerful tool to probe the lysosome physiology in living cells, yet the continuous light exposure inevitably causes lysosome damage and phototoxicity, which remains a formidable challenge. Here the long-term lysosome tracking with minimized photodamage was realized using a multifunctional nanoprobe, a platinum nanoparticle, and a quinacrine co-loaded nanogel. To construct the hybrid nanogel, cisplatin first functioned as cross-linker to withhold all components and then was reduced to a platinum nanoparticle in situ by ethanol. The platinum nanoparticle enabled a long-term quinacrine fluorescence imaging of lysosome by scavenging the light induced reactive oxygen species which could damage lysosomal membranes.

Keywords: fluorescence imaging; hyaluronan; lysosome; nanogel; platinum nanoparticles.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Fluorescent Dyes*
  • Lysosomes
  • Nanogels
  • Nanoparticles*
  • Optical Imaging


  • Fluorescent Dyes
  • Nanogels