The role of hospital characteristics in patient safety: a protocol for a national cohort study

CMAJ Open. 2021 Nov 23;9(4):E1041-E1047. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20200266. Print 2021 Oct-Dec.


Background: Substantial expenditures on health care safety programs have been justified by their goal of reducing health care associated-harm (adverse events), but adverse event rates have not changed over the past 4 decades. The objective of this study is to describe hospital-level factors that are relevant to safety in Canadian hospitals and the impact of these factors on hospital adverse events.

Methods: This is a protocol for a national cohort study to describe the association between hospital-level factors and adverse events. We will survey at least 90 (35%) Canadian hospitals to describe 4 safety-relevant domains, chosen based on the literature and expert consultation, namely patient safety culture, safety strategies, staffing, and volume and capacity. We will retrospectively identify hospital adverse events from a national data source. We will evaluate organization-level factors using established scales and a survey, codesigned by the study team and hospital leaders. Hospital leaders, clinical unit leaders and front-line staff will complete the surveys once a year for 3 years, with an anticipated start date of winter 2022. We will use national health administrative data to estimate the rate and type of hospital adverse events corresponding to each 1-year survey period.

Interpretation: Analysis of data from this project will describe hospital organizational factors that are relevant to safety and help identify organizational initiatives that improve hospital patient safety. In addition to biyearly reports to the leaders of the participating hospitals, we have a multifaceted and tailored dissemination strategy that includes integrating the knowledge users into the study team to increase the likelihood that our study will lead to improved hospital patient safety.

MeSH terms

  • Canada / epidemiology
  • Cohort Studies
  • Health Care Surveys
  • Hospitals / classification
  • Hospitals / standards*
  • Humans
  • Patient Safety / statistics & numerical data*
  • Quality of Health Care*
  • Safety Management
  • Workforce