A novel deep-branching archaeal lineage was discovered at high-temperature hot springs around Oyasukyo Gorge in Akita Prefecture, Japan. Actively boiling hot spring water contained >1×104 microbes mL-1. The microbial community composition assessed by analyzing 16S rRNA gene amplicons revealed that the dominant bacterial phyla were Proteobacteria and Aquificae (>50% of the microbial composition) in samples collected in 2016 and 2019, respectively. Approximately 10% of the reads obtained in both years were not assigned to any taxonomy. The more detailed phylogenetic positions of the unassigned sequences identified using a clone library and phylogenetic tree showed that they formed a clade that was independent, distantly related to known phyla, and had low similarity (<82%) to all other sequences in available databases. The present results suggest that this novel archaeal phylum-level lineage thrives in boiling hot springs in Japan.
Keywords: boiling hot spring; hyperthermophile; novel archaeal lineage; thermophile.