Background: Glanular dehiscence (GD) is one of the main complications after hypospadias surgery. There is a limited number of publications regarding GD in the literature.
Objective: The aim of this work is to reveal the factors that affect GD after a literature review.
Evidence acquisition: A literature search for relevant articles was performed in database using the search term glans dehiscence without setting date range limit or any other limits. All articles related to GD after hypospadias surgery were included in this study. After collecting the information from full text articles, 71 articles were included in this systematic review. In these studies, localization of hypospadic meatus, type of surgery, and other clinical data which were thought to behave as risk factors for GD were obtained. Chi-Square test was used to evaluate the differences between the parameters, where p < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant.
Results: After evaluating the 71 articles that met the inclusion criteria, 309 cases (3.48%) of GD after 8858 hypospadias repairs were obtained in this review. GD rates were found significantly high for proximal hypospadias (5%), two-stage hypospadia repairs (5%) and re-do hypospadias repair (8.75%) (p = 0.002, 0.022, and 0.004, respectively). Glans width <14 mm, urethral plate (UP) width <7 mm, hypospadias surgeries performed before 6 months of age and after puberty, and caudal block anesthesia increased the rate of GD.
Conclusions: The rate of GD increases after proximal, cripple and staged hypospadias surgeries, a glans width <15 mm and UP width <8 mm, postpubertal surgeries, and caudal anesthesia use during surgery.
Keywords: Complicación; Complication; Dehiscencia glandular; Glanular dehiscence; Hipospadias; Hypospadias; Pediatric; Pediátrico; Urethroplasty; Uretroplastia.
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