Young Black women are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Notably, few sexual health interventions for Black girls have documented the process of utilizing stakeholder input from the Black community to culturally tailor content. We conducted formative work in Chicago to adapt a mother-daughter HIV/STI prevention intervention originally designed for Black adolescent girls aged 14-18 years to meet the needs of early adolescent girls aged 11-13 years. Our iterative process involved three phases: (i) soliciting feedback from an expert panel and community advisory board; (ii) conducting focus groups with experienced research participants; and (iii) theater testing a new curriculum in the target population. Key findings of this process indicate the importance of sophisticated community engagement strategies to shape research design and program implementation. Findings may be used to inform processes for future adaptation work, especially in sexual health programs for young Black girls and their mothers.
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