Expert knowledge was elicited to develop a life-safety consequence severity model for Arctic ship evacuations (Browne et al., 2021). This paper presents the associated experimental design and data. Through semi-structured interviews, participants identified factors that influence consequence severity. Through a survey, participants evaluated consequence severity of different ship evacuation scenarios. The methodology represents a two-phased mixed methods design. Life-safety consequence severity is measured as the expected number of fatalities resulting from an evacuation. Participants of the study were experts in various fields of the Arctic maritime industry. Sixteen experts participated in the interviews and the survey (sample size: n = 16). Sample size for the interviews was based on thematic data saturation. Predominantly the same group of experts participated in the survey. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Interview data informed the development of evacuation scenarios defined in the survey. The interview guide and survey questions are presented. Data tables present the codes that emerged through thematic analysis, including code reference counts and code intersection counts. Data tables present the raw data of participant responses to the survey. This data can support further investigation of factors that influence consequence severity, definition of a broader range of evacuation scenarios, and establishment of associated consequence severities. This data has value to Arctic maritime policy-makers, researchers, and other stakeholders engaged in maritime operational risk management.
Keywords: Arctic shipping; Consequence modelling; Expert knowledge; Life-safety; Mixed methods design; Semi-structured interviews; Survey; Thematic analysis.
© 2021 The Author(s).