Utilizing community InfoSpots for health education: perspectives and experiences in Migoli and Izazi, Tanzania

Health Promot Int. 2023 Aug 1;38(4):daab187. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab187.


Limited access to health education can be a barrier for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. We addressed this gap by installing community information spots (InfoSpots) with access to the internet and a locally stored digital health education platform (the platform) in Migoli and Izazi, Tanzania. The objective of this case study was to explore the perspectives and experiences of InfoSpot users and non-users in these communities. We conducted 35 semi-structured interviews with participants living, working or studying in Migoli or Izazi in February 2020 and subsequently analysed the data using content analysis. The 25 InfoSpot users reported variations in use patterns. Users with more education utilized the platform for their own health education and that of others, in addition to internet surfing. High school students also used the platform for practicing English, in addition to health education. Most InfoSpot users found the platform easy to use; however, those with less education received guidance from other users. Non-users reported that they would have used the InfoSpot with the platform if they had been aware of its existence. All participants reported a positive view of the digital health messages, especially animations as a health knowledge transfer tool. In conclusion, different and unintended use of the platform shows that the communities are creative in ways of utilizing the InfoSpots and gaining knowledge. The platform could have been used by more people if it had been promoted better in the communities.

Keywords: Africa; ICT; community health promotion; disease prevention; global health.

Plain language summary

Access to good-quality health education is crucial for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. We installed community information spots (InfoSpots) with access to the internet and a locally stored digital health education platform (the platform) in two rural villages in Tanzania in November 2019. This qualitative case study was conducted in Migoli and Izazi in February 2020, and 35 people participated in semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was performed with the software NVivo, and quotations were used to illustrate the themes. Twenty-five participants were classified as InfoSpot users. Variations and creativity in use patterns were reported. Less educated users were guided by others, while users with more education used the platform for their own and for the education of others, in addition to internet surfing. The students who used the InfoSpot for health education and for practicing English demonstrated unintended use of the platform. All non-users reported that they would have used the InfoSpots if they had been aware of their existence. All participants, users and non-users, reported a positive view of the digital health messages, especially animations as a health knowledge transfer tool. The use of such platforms can be an important factor in disease prevention.

MeSH terms

  • Educational Status
  • Health Education*
  • Humans
  • Internet
  • Students*
  • Tanzania