The quality of surface and groundwater are fundamental concerns. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 80% of diseases are waterborne. This percentage mostly lies in developing nations and underdeveloped countries. Determining the relationship between land-use patterns and groundwater quality changes is one of the methods to evaluate the impact of land-use on the hydrological condition of each region which ultimately assists in managing natural resources. In the present study, the spatial-temporal model via satellite images of Landsat TM, ETM, and OLI for2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 are used to investigate all these modalities in Shahriar Plain, Tehran, Iran. Following image processing and analysis, the land-uses of the study area are classified into urban, farming, and bare lands. In order to assess the water quality of the study area, the periodic sampling data of piezometric wells in the plain were used from 2002 to 2017. Based on the US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) diagram, water qualities for agricultural uses are classified. Results demonstrated that land area has changed over time indicating an increase in urban land area and declines in agricultural and bare lands. Additionally, the results of the groundwater quality indicated C3S1 class in the second and third periods have increased to 3.58% (1025.93 ha) and 12.82% (9367.85 ha) while C2S1 class has been decreased in second and third periods to 3.58 and 12.82%. C1S1 and C4S1 classes during the three periods have been 0.
Keywords: Environment; Groundwater quality; Spatial–temporal model; US Salinity Laboratory diagram.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.