Occupational accidents in the Spanish mining industry have been substantially reduced over the last decades. However, the incidence rate shows higher values than other leading mining countries. In this regard, the research carried out reveals the factors influencing the high incidence rates of the Spanish mining sector, based on three scenarios: underground mining (UG), quarries and open pit mining (OP) and mineral processing plants (PP). The three most common types of accident for each scenario have been determined, considering the accidents in Spain between 2009 and 2018. The analysis also includes the main deviations, and physical activities that the injured worker was carrying out at the time of the accident. Besides, a model to predict the number of accidents based on the lost working days is also presented together with the incidence and severity risk index adjusted by the number of employees and their worked hours, respectively, in each scenario. These finding can be relevant to define the most effective measures and policies to reduce the number of accidents in the mining sector.
Keywords: accident types; deviation; incidence risk index; physical activity; severity risk index.