Compared with the conventional method of transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation using a single transducer or a focused beam, the compression and tensile forces are generated from the high-pressure gradient of a standing wave that can generate increased stimulation. We experimentally verified a neuromodulation system using patterned interference radiation force (PIRF) and propose a method for obtaining the magnitude of the radiation force, which is considered the main factor influencing ultrasound neuromodulation. The radiation forces generated using a single focused transducer and a standing wave created via two focused transducers were compared using simulations. Radiation force was calculated based on the relationship between the acoustic pressure, radiation force and time-averaged second-order pressure obtained using an acoustic streaming simulation. The presence of the radiation force was verified by measuring the time-averaged second-order pressure generated due to the radiation force, by using a glass tube.
Keywords: Acoustic streaming; Neuromodulation; Patterned interference radiation force; Time-averaged second-order pressure; Transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation.
Copyright © 2021 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.