Objectives: To evaluate physician's opinion and availability to participate in mHealth-related clinical studies with patient recruitment and assessment via telemedicine and to identify characteristics associated with the willingness to participate. Methods: Cross-sectional, observational study, based on an anonymous web survey conducted in May-Jun of 2020 to 237 physicians, from Portugal and Spain that collaborated with an asthma mHealth project (INSPIRERS). Results: Response rate was 51% (n = 120). Most (74%, n = 89) physicians were available to participate in such studies, but 62% anticipated lower recruiting capacity and 40% increased difficulty in obtaining quality data. Physicians aged ≤40 years, from secondary care (vs. general practitioners) and that used apps in personal life or clinical practice were more likely to be available. Conclusions: Three-quarters of the physicians were available to participate in mHealth-related clinical studies with patient recruitment and assessment through telemedicine. Age group, medical specialty, and app use were associated with the willingness to participate.
Keywords: clinical studies; data collection; digital technologies; mHealth; patient recruitment; telemedicine.