In June and July 2021, the National Society for Histotechnology (NSH) conducted an online survey designed to assess productivity and staffing in the clinical histology laboratory. The Productivity Benchmarking Survey was developed by the NSH Quality Management Committee. The survey of histology professionals provides critical data that may be used to inform staffing decisions and develop a quality management program. To create usable data the findings were segmented by a range of variables including facility type and size, and productivity related to grossing, embedding, microtomy, and ancillary duties. This study draws a connection between perceived operational efficiencies and the presence of a program or process used to assess employees quality performance for grossing, embedding, and microtomy. A followup survey is planned to further understand these particular employee assessment programs or processes.
Keywords: Workload; clinical histology laboratory; histotechnician; management; productivity; staffing; survey.