Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is one of the most common gastrointestinal emergencies in the newborn infant, and the incidence varies between 3% and 15% in neonatal intensive care units (NICU). It has a high risk of mortality and both short- and long-term morbidity which severely impacts the quality of life in the survivors. Lack of specific clinical and laboratory findings makes early diagnosis difficult for the clinician and sometimes results in overtreatment for feeding intolerance which is quite frequent in preterms and can easily be confused with NEC. The fact that there are many definitions and presentations of NEC even complicates the management. This review aims to summarize the guideline of the Turkish Neonatal Society for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of NEC for the clinician taking care of preterms. Etiopathogenesis and various clinical pictures of NEC, as well as diagnostic methods, are defined. Treatment and prognosis are discussed in detail with reference to current literature and preventive strategies are summarized based on evidence. Finally, the approach to baby presenting with suspected NEC is summarized in an algorithm.