Background: This study provides a path for many studies that may have been forgotten in the past to the use of modern-day knowledge supporting the use of traditional treatments, specifically Withania somnifera (ashwagandha).
Primary study objective: The primary objective of this study was to bring back traditional therapy that could prove to be economically beneficial and possibly helpful to many clients with depression with few or no associated adverse events.
Intervention: The key components of ashwagandha include 12 alkaloids and 35 withanolides, which have been proven in various studies to be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety and stress. While research supports that withanolides and alkaloides work as antidepressants and are the main reason ashwagandha is beneficial for depression, the mechanism of action in unknown. Studies also show that withanolides may bolster the immune system, increase stamina, fight inflammation and infection, combat tumors, reduce stress, revive the libido, protect the liver and soothe jangled nerves. Both of these molecules are steroidal and are similar in action and appearance. Ashwagandha stimulates the activation of immune system cells such as lymphocytes and has also been shown to inhibit inflammation and improve memory in animal experiments.