The intersection of intimate partner violence and HIV is a public health problem, particularly among key populations of women, including female sex workers, women who use drugs, and transgender women, and adolescent girls and young women (aged 15-24 years). Intimate partner violence results in greater risk of HIV acquisition and creates barriers to HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care for key populations of women. Socioecological models can be used to explain the unique multilevel mechanisms linking intimate partner violence and HIV. Few interventions, modelling studies, and economic evaluations that concurrently address both intimate partner violence and HIV exist, with no interventions tailored for transgender populations. Most combination interventions target individual-level risk factors, and rarely consider community or structural factors, or evaluate cost-efficacy. Addressing intimate partner violence is crucial to ending the HIV epidemic; this Review highlights the gaps and opportunities for future research to address the intertwined epidemics of intimate partner violence and HIV among key populations of women.
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