Understanding the influence of political orientation, social network, and economic recovery on COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Americans

Vaccine. 2022 Mar 25;40(14):2191-2201. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.02.066. Epub 2022 Feb 22.


The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented risks to the well-being of Americans. To control the pandemic, a sufficient proportion of the population needs to be vaccinated promptly. Despite the proven efficacy and widespread availability, vaccine distribution and administration rates remain low. Thus, it is important to understand the public behavior of COVID-19 vaccination. This study aims to identify determinants at multiple levels that promote or inhibit one's vaccine uptake. We combine individual-level data from a national survey conducted in the summer of 2021 with corresponding state-level indicators. Findings of multilevel logistic regression show that political orientation, social network, and economic recovery altogether have significant influence. We articulate that individual decision to take the vaccine are a function of their personal characteristics and are also rooted in their home state's political, public health, and economic contexts. These findings contribute to the literature and have policy implications. Knowledge of the profiles among people who take/refuse the vaccine provides essential information to leverage certain factors and maximize vaccine uptake to mitigate the pandemic's devastating impact.

MeSH terms

  • COVID-19 Vaccines
  • COVID-19* / prevention & control
  • Humans
  • Pandemics / prevention & control
  • Social Networking
  • United States
  • Vaccination
  • Vaccines*


  • COVID-19 Vaccines
  • Vaccines