Described in the 1950s, Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) has been recognized as a chronic kidney disease (CKD) with clinical peculiarities and multiple etiological factors. Environmental contaminants - aromatic compounds, mycotoxins and phytotoxins like aristolochic acids (AAs) - polluting food and drinking water sources, were incriminated in BEN, due to their nephrotoxic and carcinogenic properties. The implication of AAs in BEN etiology is currently a highly debated topic due to the fact that they are found within the Aristolochiaceae plants family, used around the globe as traditional medicine and they were also incriminated in Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy (AAN). Exposure pathways have been investigated, but it is unclear to what extent AAs are acting alone or in synergy with other cofactors (environmental, genetics) in triggering kidney damage. Experimental studies strengthen the hypothesis that AAI, the most studied compound in the AAs class, is a significant environmental contaminant and a most important causative factor of BEN. The aim of this review is to compile information about the natural exposure pathways to AAI, via traditional medicinal plants, soil, crop plants, water, food, air. Data that either supports or contradicts the AAI theory concerning BEN etiology was consolidated and available solutions to reduce human exposure were discussed. Because AAI is a phytotoxin with physicochemical properties that allow its transportation in environmental matrices from different types of areas (endemic, nonendemic), and induce CKDs (BEN, AAN) and urinary cancers through bioaccumulation, this review aims to shed a new light on this compound as a biogenic emerging pollutant.
Keywords: Aristolochia clematitis; Balkan endemic nephropathy; Phytotoxin; Urothelial cancer.
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