Tumor-Educated Platelets Facilitate Thrombus Formation Through Migration

Front Oncol. 2022 Feb 24:12:857865. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.857865. eCollection 2022.


Platelets are small anucleate cells that circulate in the blood and form thrombi. Tumor-educated platelets are the platelets derived from cancer patients. Although many have reported that tumor-educated platelets are associated with cancer-associated thrombosis, their function in this process is poorly understood. Here we first collect the clinical data from 100 different cancer patients, showing that cancer patients are in a hypercoagulable state. Our experiment shows that tumor-educated platelets from melanoma-burdened mouse models can migrate faster and longer, forming more clots (thrombus). However, the plasma from tumor mice can inhibit platelet migration. The RNA sequence profile of tumor-educated platelets shows that many genes associated with cell migration and cell skeleton expressed significantly higher. Our research offers a new insight into the tumor-educated platelets to better understand the thrombus formation.

Keywords: cancer-associated thrombosis; cell migration; hypercoagulable state; plasma; tumor-educated platelets.