Background: Screening for food insecurity (FI) and providing nutrition care are important management strategies for chronic diseases, but rates are low. Aspects of team-based care and providers' nutrition competence may help inform interventions to improve these services. The objectives of this study were to describe US primary care providers' FI screening and nutrition care practices (counselling, referrals, and time spent counselling) and test for associations with scored measures of their perceptions of team-based care (care continuity, patient-centredness, coordination with external providers and resources) and nutrition competence (confidence counselling and attitudes towards nutrition).
Methods: Cross-sectional online survey data of primary care providers were described and analysed for associations using Wilcoxon rank sum tests.
Results: Of provider respondents (N = 92), 35% (n = 32) worked in clinics that screen for FI and had higher team perceptions (P = 0.006) versus those who do not. Those who reported counselling >30% patients about nutrition (57%, n = 52) and referring >10% patients to nutrition professionals (24%, n = 22) had significantly better attitudes towards nutrition (P = 0.013 and P = 0.04, respectively) compared with those with lower counselling and referral rates. Half (n = 46) of the providers reported spending >3-min counselling each patient about nutrition and had higher patient-centred care (P = 0.004) and nutrition competence (P < 0.001) compared with those who spent less time counselling.
Conclusion: Providers in clinics that screen for FI had higher overall perceptions of team-based care, but their nutrition competence was not significantly different. Meanwhile, reported more time counselling was associated with a culture of patient-centredness. Promoting team-based care may be a mechanism for improving FI screening and nutrition care.
Keywords: diet therapy; food insecurity; patient care team; preventive care; primary health care; referral and consultation.
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