Electrocochleography (ECochG) measures inner ear potentials generated in response to acoustic stimulation of the ear. These potentials reflect the residual function of the cochlea. In cochlear implant candidates with residual hearing, the implant electrode can directly measure ECochG responses during the implantation process. Various authors have described the ability to monitor the inner ear function by continuous ECochG measurements during the surgery. The measurement of ECochG signals during surgery is not trivial. There are no interpretable signals in up to 20% of cases. For a successful recording, a standardized procedure is recommended to achieve the highest measurement reliability and avoid possible pitfalls. Therefore, seamless collaboration between the CI surgeon and CI technician is key. This video consists of an overview of the system setup and a stepwise procedure of performing intracochlear ECochG measurements during CI surgery. It shows the surgeon's and the CI technician's roles in the process, and how a smooth collaboration between the two is made possible.