First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation

PLoS One. 2022 Mar 29;17(3):e0263816. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263816. eCollection 2022.


Purpose: The EQ-5D survey instrument is routinely applied to general and patient specific populations in many countries, as a means of measuring Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and/or informing Health Technology Assessment. The instrument is the subject of growing interest in the Russian Federation, as too is Health Technology Assessment. This research is the first to systematically present the EQ-5D-3L nationally representative population norms and to examine the socioeconomic and socio-demographic characteristics of the instrument among a representative sample of the Russian population.

Methods: Based on a nationally representative health and well-being survey of the Russian population, conducted in November 2017, we establish the descriptive results, including the EQ-VAS and the EQ-5D Index, by age and gender, examine the correspondence between the EQ-5D health classifications and the separate EQ-VAS scores, and draw on a set of augmented logistic regressions to evaluate the association between the presence of problems in each dimension and various socio-economic and health-related characteristics.

Results: We find strong evidence that the EQ-5D instrument is sensitive to underlying observed and latent health experiences, that it mirrors many of the characteristics familiar from other settings but that there are Russian specificities which merit further research, particularly with respect to the anxiety/depression dimension of the instrument.

Conclusion: This research represents an important landmark for HRQOL studies in Russia as well as for the prospects of continuing to develop the scholarly and practical infrastructure necessary for Russian Health Technology Assessment to advance.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Health Status*
  • Humans
  • Logistic Models
  • Quality of Life*
  • Russia
  • Surveys and Questionnaires

Grants and funding

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant (Project no.20-18-00307, ‘Health of the Nation: a Multidimensional Analysis of Health, Health Inequality and Health-Related Quality of Life’. The study funders had no role in study design or in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. The authors have sole responsibility for the manuscript content. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.