Does Tigecycline Have a Place in Therapy for Rickettsial Infection of the Central Nervous System?

Infect Chemother. 2022 Mar;54(1):165-172. doi: 10.3947/ic.2021.0070.


This brief report documents the safety and efficacy of high-dose tigecycline as a salvage-therapy in in a case series of five patients with serious central nervous system (CNS) rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF). These severily ill patients were unable to take any oral drug therapy, parenteral doxycycline was unavailable and absorption of oral doxycycline was a concern in these critically ill patients. As far as we know, we report the successfull use of tigecycline for the treatment of rickettsial meningitis for the first time in Italy. We suggest more studies on tigecycline in severe CNS infections from Rickettsia species and multi-drug resistant bacteria, especially the use of tigecycline at higher than standard doses in these life-threathening infectious diseases.

Keywords: Rickettsia; Rickettsia rickettsii; Rickettsiosis; Rocky mountain spotted fever; Tigecycline.