Background: The aim of the study is to provide scientific evidence on the possibility of using the Corneal point a skin point for measu-rements that can be made on both standard and three-dimensional photographs. Also, we want to demonstrate the stability of corneal point during the growth, to use it as a reference point.
Methods: A sample of 105 radiographs was reached. A descriptive and longitudinal statistical analysis was performed.
Results: By data analysis we obtained more variability inter-subject of the millimetrically value of the SC plan. For this reason, we consi-dered the relationship between the SN and SC values and not a single value. In the cross-sectional study the T- test analysis did not show a different significant result of variations between SC and SN in both sexes; therefore, we considered these as unique sample.
Conclusion: Longitudinal study has a major importance for to esta-blishing the age-related changes. By cross-selection and longitudinal analysis we obtained an overlapping trend of the SN and SC plan. As the SN plan has always been used as a reference plan for cephalometric measurements, although its variations in growth, it can be concluded that the SC plan can be considered equally a reference plan.
Keywords: Cornea; cephalometry; corneal point; orthodontic diagnosing; reference point; teleradiograph; three-dimensional photo.