Case series summary: Three cats affected by unilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis underwent segmental mandibulectomy, while one cat with bilateral ankylosis underwent right temporomandibular joint gap arthroplasty and left segmental mandibulectomy. Minimal intraoperative complications were linked to the segmental mandibulectomies in the cases reported. All cats recovered their ability to open the mouth, and the vertical range of motion was unaltered during the postoperative period. Mandibular drift and dental malocclusion were the main postoperative complications related to the segmental mandibulectomies.
Relevance and novel information: Surgical excision of ankylotic tissue at the temporomandibular joint region may be technically challenging and associated with severe iatrogenic trauma of surrounding tissues. The results of this case series suggest that middle or caudal segmental mandibulectomy is a safe, feasible and effective surgical procedure to treat unilateral temporomandibular ankylosis in cats and could be considered as an alternative surgical technique to surgical excision of ankylotic tissue at the temporomandibular joint.
Keywords: Ankylosis; mandibulectomy; osteotomy; temporomandibular joint.
© The Author(s) 2022.