Use of transoral carbon dioxide laser for supraglottic web from caustic ingestion in a 13 year old

Auris Nasus Larynx. 2023 Apr;50(2):314-317. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2022.03.013. Epub 2022 Apr 4.


A 13 year old male was referred to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology due to unsuccessful decannulation. At 2 years of age, patient accidentally ingested a caustic liquid alkali and underwent emergency tracheostomy, exploratory laparotomy, and tube gastrectomy. 11 years after, patient was seen at the outpatient department for decannulation. On nasopharyngolaryngoscopy, a supraglottic stenosis with a central 1-mm opening was visualized. Patient underwent transoral carbon dioxide laser excision of supraglottic stenosis. Fused aryepiglottic folds were released from the epiglottis. Patient was discharged well with no immediate complications and was successfully decannulated 1 month post operation with good voice outcome. No recurrence of stenosis at one year post operation. Accidental caustic ingestion commonly occurs in the pediatric age group. A frequent complication of accidental caustic ingestion is strictures. The use of transoral carbon dioxide laser in the surgical treatment of supraglottic stenosis is a suitable option for pediatric patients as this offer several advantages such as less post operative edema, good intraoperative control of hemorrhage, few post-operative complications and is less invasive compared to open laryngeal procedures. This case exhibits the importance of close monitoring for pediatric patients after caustic ingestion in order to diagnose complications earlier.

Keywords: Airway; Caustic ingestion; Sodium hydroxide; Supraglottic web; Transoral carbon dioxide laser.

Publication types

  • Case Reports

MeSH terms

  • Adolescent
  • Caustics* / toxicity
  • Child
  • Constriction, Pathologic / complications
  • Eating
  • Humans
  • Laryngostenosis* / etiology
  • Laser Therapy* / methods
  • Lasers, Gas* / therapeutic use
  • Male


  • Caustics