Thoracic surgery in Spain

J Thorac Dis. 2022 Mar;14(3):779-787. doi: 10.21037/jtd-21-1108.


In this manuscript, we briefly report on the Spanish health care system and the current situation of Thoracic Surgery in the country. Our surgical speciality is approached in terms of national spread of thoracic units, education, technological development, and other relevant aspects. Thoracic Surgery national workforce is also reviewed and compared to sister specialities. Prospects and authors' recommendations for development are included. Total cost of public health care expenditure in Spain represents 9% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the National Health System is included in the top ten more efficient systems in the World. Thoracic Surgery in Spain is an independent medical speciality. The access to training in accredited hospitals is uniformly regulated all around the country and represents the official and only route to certified medical specialization. 0.5 certified specialists in Thoracic Surgery per 100,000 habitants are working in the country, half of them being female in the age subset of 30-39. Currently, more than half of all anatomical resection in the country are performed via VATS. Seven centres are currently accredited by the Ministry of Health for lung transplantation, and the current rate of lung transplants is 7.1 per million of population. To note is the success of the non-heart-beating donors program developed in recent years. Three national professional and scientific societies are gathering most Spanish thoracic surgeons and promoting cooperative multidisciplinary studies on lung cancer and surgical techniques such are video-assisted and robotic lung resection. Implementing a national database of thoracic surgical procedures would be advisable to promote continuous clinical quality improvements.

Keywords: National development; lung transplant; robotic surgery; thoracic surgery.

Publication types

  • Review