The National Neisseria Network (NNN), Australia, comprises reference laboratories in each state and territory established in 1979. The NNN has reported data on susceptibility profiles for all Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from each jurisdiction for an agreed group of antimicrobial agents for the Australian Gonococcal Surveillance Programme (AGSP) since 1981. The antibiotics reported represent current or potential agents used for the treatment of gonorrhoea and include ceftriaxone; azithromycin; ciprofloxacin; and penicillin. More recently, gentamicin susceptibilities are included in the AGSP Annual Report. Ceftriaxone, combined with azithromycin, is the recommended treatment regimen for gonorrhoea in the majority of Australia. However, there are substantial geographic differences in susceptibility patterns in Australia, with certain remote regions of the Northern Territory and Western Australia having low gonococcal antimicrobial resistance rates. In these regions, an oral treatment regimen comprising amoxycillin, probenecid, and azithromycin is recommended for the treatment of gonorrhoea.
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