IPED consumers seek medical advice when uncertain as to their use. Due to shame or fear of stigmatization IPED consumers are often reluctant to talk about their drug use; they fear prejudice and a lack of experience when caring for this specific patient group. In order to strengthen trust, a non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing and supportive attitude is essential. The interaction should primarily lead to an understanding of why AAS are being used, what the patient's concerns are, and why medical help is being sought, without judgment or condemnation of the behavior. If no motivation to abstain from drug use is found during the consultation, harm reduction should be sought and the consequences of use addressed. Regular talks and active harm reduction can increase the confidence in evidence-based treatment to achieve personal motivation to abstain under medical supervision.
Keywords: Bodybuilding; Fitness; IPED; Schadensminderung; bodybuilding; fitness; harm reduction.