Cannabidiol (CBD), as a major phytocannabinoid of Cannabis sativa, has emerged as a promising natural compound in the treatment of diseases. Its diverse pharmacological effects with limited side effects have promoted researchers to pursue new therapeutic applications. It has little affinity for classical cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Considering this and its diverse pharmacological effects, it is logical to set up studies for finding its putative potential targets other than CB1 and CB2. A class of ion channels, namely transient potential channels (TRP), has been identified during two recent decades. More than 30 members of this family have been studied, so far. They mediate diverse physiological functions and are associated with various pathological conditions. Some have been recognized as key targets for natural compounds such as capsaicin, menthol, and CBD. Studies show that CBD has agonistic effects for TRPV1-4 and TRPA1 channels with antagonistic effects on the TRPM8 channel. In this article, we reviewed the recent findings considering the interaction of CBD with these channels. The review indicated that TRP channels mediate, at least in part, the effects of CBD on seizure, inflammation, cancer, pain, acne, and vasorelaxation. This highlights the role of TRP channels in CBD-mediated effects, and binding to these channels may justify part of its paradoxical effects in comparison to classical phytocannabinoids.
Keywords: Cancer; Cannabidiol; Cannabis sativa; Inflammation; Pain; TRPA1; TRPM8; TRPV1; TRPV2; Tetrahydrocannabinol.
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