[Health and social services for vulnerable populations in the Cayenne area, French Guiana]

Sante Publique. 2021 Oct 28;Vol. 33(3):399-405. doi: 10.3917/spub.213.0399.
[Article in French]


Introduction: The Communauté d'Agglomération Centre Littoral (CACL) in French Guiana is characterized by a high concentration of health and social services, especially in the Cayenne Island. In addition, 42% of this area is covered by illegal constructions where vulnerable populations live, especially in the most deteriorated parts.

Objective: This article aims at better understanding the organization of the social and health care system for vulnerable populations within this area.

Method: The study was carried out between 2017 and 2019 among actors of the social and health system. Based on 22 semi-structure interviews, it explores organization of these actors by using network analysis (graph theory - centrality scores).

Results: The results show that the system of actors is hierarchically organized and some of them have different roles as redistributing of capturing populations in the network. These results may help to identify specific trajectories in health care access.

MeSH terms

  • French Guiana
  • Health Services Accessibility
  • Humans
  • Social Work
  • Vulnerable Populations*