To examine the effects of anabolic steroid use on glucose homeostasis, we determined oral glucose tolerance and serum insulin response to glucose in 15 male powerlifters, 6 obese men, and 10 sedentary nonobese men. Eight of the powerlifters had self-administered large doses (200 mg/day) of anabolic steroids for periods of up to 7 yr, whereas 7 had never used anabolic steroids. Powerlifters who ingested anabolic steroids had diminished glucose tolerance compared to the nonsteroid-using group, despite having substantially higher postglucose serum insulin concentrations. Postglucose insulin responses were also higher in steroid users than in the sedentary nonobese and sedentary obese reference groups. These results indicate that powerlifters who ingest anabolic steroids have diminished glucose tolerance, which is likely to be secondary to insulin resistance.