A novel and green one-step simultaneous extraction process of phycobiliproteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from wet Porphyridium biomass has been done and optimized by using three phase partitioning (TPP) process. Results showed that the coupling of ammonium sulfate and protein buoyancy-promoting t-butanol afforded the best TPP to extract phycobiliproteins and PUFAs in term of the extraction performance and cost-effectiveness. TPP process gave the best capability to simultaneously extract Porphyridium-derived phycobiliproteins and PUFAs in 20% ammonium sulfate, 0.5% biomass, and 1:0.5 slurry to t-butanol ratio at 100 rpm and 20 °C for 10 min of extraction time. Moreover, the established TPP system achieved excellent reproducibility in the extraction of Porphyridium biomass from different sources (Porphyridium cruentum and P. purpureum); and was successfully implemented in pilot-scale (20-L), indicating its industrial potential as a promising integrated approach to comprehensively exploit Porphyridium as a renewable bioresource for high-value bioproducts.
Keywords: Extraction; Phycobiliproteins; Polyunsaturated fatty acids; Porphyridium; Three phase partitioning.
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