Influence of β-glucan extracted from hull-less barley on droplet characterization, stability and rheological properties of soy protein isolate stabilized oil-in-water emulsions

J Food Sci Technol. 2022 May;59(5):1781-1791. doi: 10.1007/s13197-021-05189-z. Epub 2021 Jul 3.


In this study the effect of ultrasonically extracted β-glucan from hull-less barley (UBG, 0.25-0.75% w/w) on soy protein isolate (SPI, 4-12% w/w) stabilized oil-in-water emulsions was investigated. The results indicated that with increasing UBG concentration, zeta potential, droplets' specific surface area and emulsion stability increased; whereas, the surface and interfacial tensions, Sauter mean diameter (D3,2) and the De Brouckere Mean Diameter (D4,3), span value and creaming index decreased. Non-Newtonian shear-thinning (pseudoplastic) behavior was observed for oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by UBG. With increase in UBG and SPI concentrations, emulsion's flow behavior index (n) and consistency coefficient (k) increased and decreased; respectively. At all UBG and SPI concentrations, emulsions stored at 4 °C were more stable.

Keywords: Emulsion stability; Flow properties; Hull-less barley β-glucan; Soy protein isolate.