Pilot evaluation of a brief training video aimed at reducing mental health stigma amongst emergency first responders (the ENHANcE II study)

J Ment Health. 2022 May 9:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09638237.2022.2069707. Online ahead of print.


Background: First responders (i.e. police and ambulance staff) have increasingly become part of the mental health care system, often being the first port of call for those experiencing a crisis. Despite their frequent involvement in supporting those with mental health problems, there is evidence that mental health stigma is high amongst first responders.

Aims: The aim of the present study was to evaluate a brief training video aimed at reducing mental health stigma amongst first responders.

Methods: First responders watched a training video based on the cognitive behavioural model of mental health stigma, and involved contributions from people with lived experience, and first responders. Measures of mental health stigma were collected before and after viewing the training.

Results: The training video produced small but significant improvements in mental health stigma, and these effects did not differ between police and ambulance staff. We were unable to determine what psychological constructs mediated this change in stigma. The feedback on the training video was generally positive, but also indicated some key areas for future development.

Conclusions: The present study provides encouraging evidence that levels of mental health stigma can be improved using a resource-light training intervention.

Keywords: Mental health; ambulance; first responders; police; stigma; training.