Background: The second stage of lactation with copious milk production occurs after birth regardless of the infant's survival. Previous research indicates that milk donation following a perinatal loss may help some bereaved mothers come to terms with their loss. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of women choosing to continue to express milk after a perinatal loss specifically for donation to a nonprofit milk bank governed by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). Materials and Methods: Participants were recruited through HMBANA's milk bank directors' listserv, their bereavement committee, and through their website. Participants were eligible if they donated to an HMBANA milk bank and specifically continued to pump milk for the purpose of milk donation following a perinatal loss. Qualitative interviews were conducted with each participant using a secured web-based platform. Data collection and analysis occurred concurrently using qualitative content analysis until there was acknowledged informational redundancy. Participants' demographic and lactation data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Over 10 months, 21 participants were interviewed. Donating after perinatal loss has been described as a positive, valuable, and nurturing experience. Diminished grieving, enhanced connection to the infant, establishment of legacy, and creation of a positive from a negative are highlighted in several themes that illuminate the phenomena of bereaved donation. Discussion: The findings of this research are consistent with published literature, but in this study, two subgroups were formed. This enabled the researchers to compare the experience of those with previous breastfeeding experience and those without, which adds to the knowledge about the phenomenon. It provides information for health care professionals (HCPs) to understand the experience of bereaved milk donors and serves as a call to action for HCPs to develop best practices and incorporate lactation management in enhanced, individualized bereavement care for these women.
Keywords: bereavement; grieving; lactation; milk donation; perinatal loss.