During vertebrate embryogenesis, cell collectives engage in coordinated behavior to form tissue structures of increasing complexity. In the avian skin, assembly into follicles depends on intrinsic mechanical forces of the dermis, but how cell mechanics initiate pattern formation is not known. Here, we reconstitute the initiation of follicle patterning ex vivo using only freshly dissociated avian dermal cells and collagen. We find that contractile cells physically rearrange the extracellular matrix (ECM) and that ECM rearrangement further aligns cells. This exchange transforms a mechanically unlinked collective of dermal cells into a continuum, with coherent, long-range order. Combining theory with experiment, we show that this ordered cell-ECM layer behaves as an active contractile fluid that spontaneously forms regular patterns. Our study illustrates a role for mesenchymal dynamics in generating cell-level ordering and tissue-level patterning through a fluid instability-processes that may be at play across morphological symmetry-breaking contexts.
Keywords: active soft matter; biophysics; contractility; emergence; extracellular matrix; mechanics; mechanosensation; morphogenesis; multicellular; organogenesis; periodic patterning; self-organization; skin.
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