A preliminary study of the rate of hospitals and satellite clinics worldwide for top US cancer centers

J Cancer Policy. 2022 Mar:31:100319. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpo.2021.100319. Epub 2021 Dec 31.


Introduction: Healthcare is a globalized endeavor. With an increasing number of overseas collaborations being announced as profit-driven business structures, we sought to investigate the prevalence of the top-ranked United States (US) cancer hospitals investing in overseas hospitals.

Method: We conducted a web search of publicly available information to determine the frequency in which US hospitals with top-ranked cancer centers expand into offshore markets.

Results: Of the 53 offshore entities identified, 17 (32 %) are in China. Other tops locations include Italy (9%), United Arab Emirates (8%), and Saudi Arabia (8%).

Discussion: Our findings show many international US-partnered clinics are located in countries designated as either high-income or upper-middle-income economies. Further research is needed to understand the full scope of US hospitals abroad and the impact it may have on the global cancer care landscape.

Policy summary: The business-model for globalized US healthcare should be investigated for implications to local and foreign cancer care.

Keywords: Healthcare business expansion; International healthcare; Top-ranked cancer centers.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Cancer Care Facilities
  • Delivery of Health Care
  • Health Facilities
  • Hospitals*
  • Neoplasms* / epidemiology
  • Saudi Arabia / epidemiology
  • United States / epidemiology