The study aimed to determine the changes in phenolic compounds content in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Little Gem) depending on the preharvest short-term daytime or nighttime supplemental light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS) lighting in a greenhouse during autumn and spring cultivation. Plants were grown in a greenhouse under HPS supplemented with 400 nm, 455 nm, 530 nm, 455 + 530 nm or 660 nm LEDs light for 4 h five days before harvest. Two experiments (EXP) were performed: EXP1-HPS, and LEDs treatment during daytime 6 PM-10 PM, and EXP2-LEDs treatment at nighttime during 10 AM-2 PM. LEDs' photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was 50 and HPS-90 ± 10 µmol m-2 s-1. The most pronounced positive effect on total phenolic compounds revealed supplemental 400 and 455 + 530 nm LEDs lighting, except its application during the daytime at spring cultivation, when all supplemental LEDs light had no impact on phenolics content variation. Supplemental 400 nm LEDs applied in the daytime increased chlorogenic acid during spring and chicoric acid during autumn cultivation. 400 nm LEDs used in nighttime enhanced chlorogenic acid accumulation and rutin during autumn. Chicoric and chlorogenic acid significantly increased under supplemental 455 + 530 nm LEDs applied at daytime in autumn and used at nighttime-in spring. Supplemental LEDs application in the nighttime resulted in higher phenolic compounds content during spring cultivation and the daytime during autumn cultivation.
Keywords: Lactuca sativa L.; flavonoids; light-emitting diodes; phenolic acids.