Background: Dysconnectivity theories, combined with advances in fundamental cognitive neuroscience, have led to increased interest in characterizing cerebellar abnormalities in psychosis. Smaller cerebellar gray matter volume has been found in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. However, the course of these deficits across illness stage, specificity to schizophrenia (vs. psychosis more broadly), and relationship to clinical phenotypes, primarily cognitive impairment, remain unclear.
Methods: The Spatially Unbiased Infratentorial toolbox, a gold standard for analyzing human neuroimaging data of the cerebellum, was used to quantify cerebellar volumes and conduct voxel-based morphometry on structural magnetic resonance images obtained from 574 individuals (249 schizophrenia spectrum, 108 bipolar with psychotic features, 217 nonpsychiatric control). Analyses examining diagnosis (schizophrenia spectrum, bipolar disorder), illness stage (early, chronic), and cognitive effects on cerebellum structure in psychosis were performed.
Results: Cerebellar structure in psychosis did not differ significantly from healthy participants, regardless of diagnosis and illness stage (effect size = 0.01-0.14). In contrast, low premorbid cognitive functioning was associated with smaller whole and regional cerebellum volumes, including cognitive (lobules VI and VII, Crus I, frontoparietal and attention networks) and motor (lobules I-IV, V, and X; somatomotor network) regions in psychosis (effect size = 0.36-0.60). These effects were not present in psychosis cohorts with average estimated premorbid cognition.
Conclusions: Cerebellar structural abnormalities in psychosis are related to lower premorbid cognitive functioning implicating early antecedents, atypical neurodevelopment, or both in cerebellar dysfunction. Future research focused on identifying the impact of early-life risk factors for psychosis on the development of the cerebellum and cognition is warranted.
Keywords: Bipolar disorder; Cerebellum; Heterogeneity; Psychosis; Schizophrenia; Structural MRI.
Copyright © 2022 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.