Chk1 inhibitor-induced DNA damage increases BFL1 and decreases BIM but does not protect human cancer cell lines from Chk1 inhibitor-induced apoptosis

Am J Cancer Res. 2022 May 15;12(5):2293-2309. eCollection 2022.


V158411 is a potent, selective Chk1 inhibitor currently in pre-clinical development. We utilised RNA-sequencing to evaluate the gene responses to V158411 treatment. BCL2A1 was highly upregulated in U2OS cells in response to V158411 treatment with BCL2A1 mRNA increased > 400-fold in U2OS but not HT29 cells. Inhibitors of Chk1, Wee1 and topoisomerases but not other DNA damaging agents or inhibitors of ATR, ATM or DNA-PKcs increased BFL1 and decreased BIM protein. Increased BFL1 appeared limited to a subset of approximately 35% of U2OS cells. Out of 24 cell lines studied, U2OS cells were unique in being the only cell line with low basal BFL1 levels to be increased in response to DNA damage. Induction of BFL1 in U2OS cells appeared dependent on PI3K/AKT/mTOR/MEK pathway signalling but independent of NF-κB transcription factors. Inhibitors of MEK, mTOR and PI3K effectively blocked the increase in BFL1 following V15841 treatment. Increased BFL1 expression did not block apoptosis in U2OS cells in response to V158411 treatment and cells with high basal expression of BFL1 readily underwent caspase-dependent apoptosis following Chk1 inhibitor therapy. BFL1 induction in response to Chk1 inhibition appeared to be a rare event that was dependent on MEK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling.

Keywords: BFL1; Chk1; DNA damage; MEK; kinase inhibitor.