Congenital and Bilateral Dislocation of the Knee: Case Report and Review of Literature

Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2022 Apr 25;14(3):33926. doi: 10.52965/001c.33926. eCollection 2022.


Background: Congenital and bilateral dislocation of the knee is an uncommon disorder; it may be isolated or combined with other congenital muscoloskeletal disorders, associated with neurologic disorders or occur in syndromic conditions. The knee presents a typical pathologic hyperextension, with or without joint dislocation. If untreated, the knee may develop stiffness or instability.

Case summary: We report about a new-born baby girl presented at birth with an unusual position of both lower limbs with obvious hyperextended knees. Starting from the first hours of life, this baby was treated conservatively with reduction and serial cast immobilizations of the limbs. At the end of the treatment (21 days of life), the knees appeared completely corrected with physiologic active and passive range of motion and joint stability, and they were left free.

Conclusion: A correct evaluation at birth, both of the newborn and the deformity, is mandatory in order to decide the proper treatment, that could be conservative or surgical. A prompt treatment can be very effective to completely resolve the problem.

Keywords: Bilateral; Congenital; Dislocation; Knee; Newborn..

Publication types

  • Case Reports