The adequacy of current diagnostic criteria for making a diagnosis of ABPA

Tuberk Toraks. 2022 Jun;70(2):141-148. doi: 10.5578/tt.20229804.


Introduction: Currently, there are four different diagnostic criteria systems for allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA): The Rosenberg-Patterson, Seropositive ABPA (ABPA-S), Central Bronchiectasis and ABPA (ABPA-CB), and the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) ABPA study group criteria. This study aims to retrospectively compare these four diagnostic criteria in ABPA patients.

Materials and methods: Patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of ABPA were retrospectively re-evaluated using these four diagnostic criteria, and the superiority of these criteria to each other was determined.

Result: A total of 10 ABPA patients were included in the study. Seven patients were diagnosed according to ISHAM ABPA study group diagnostic criteria and six patients according to the Rosenberg-Patterson diagnostic criteria. None of the patients fulfilled the criteria when evaluated individually with ABPA-S and ABPA-CB. Of patients diagnosed by ISHAM, five had a total IgE level above 1000 IU/mL and two had below 1000 IU/mL.

Conclusions: We demonstrated that the diagnostic criteria developed by the ISHAM ABPA study group were superior to the others in diagnosing ABPA in cases with a total IgE level above 1000 IU/mL. However, all these criteria seem to be sufficient to diagnose ABPA in patients with a total IgE below 1000 IU/mL. We believe the necessity to demonstrate presence of Aspergillus fumigatus precipitating antibodies or specific IgG positivity should be questioned particularly in patients with radiologic findings compatible with ABPA and a total IgE level below 1000 IU/mL.

MeSH terms

  • Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary* / diagnosis
  • Bronchiectasis* / diagnosis
  • Humans
  • Immunoglobulin E
  • Leukocyte Count
  • Retrospective Studies


  • Immunoglobulin E