Scientific abstract: R&D serves as one of the imperative aspects in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the Indonesian government has declared the COVID-19 pandemic as a national disaster, a number of accelerated regulations were stipulated, engaging research and innovation acknowledged as Science, technology, and innovation (STI) Policy. The results of the regulation mapping in Indonesia during 2020-2021 include the 9 regulations (categorized as STI Policy and dominated by institutional settings of 44.4%, operational mechanisms of 33.3%, and legal devices of 22.3%) as an attempt to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, it is expected that the implementation of STI Policy plays a role in generating the 50 innovation products through the COVID-19 research and innovation consortium.
Public interest abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has been declared as a national disaster in Indonesia. There are nine regulations in the field of Science, technology, and innovation (STI) Policy set by the Indonesian government until July 2021, which regulate institutions, by institutionalizing the implementation of research and innovation in the health sector. The institution is acknowledged as the COVID-19 Research Consortium, consisting of government R&D institutions, universities, industrial R&D institutions, professional associations, regulators, industry, and 50 research and innovation products which have been launched by this consortium.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; Healthcare; Indonesia; Policy review; R&D; Research consortium; STI policy; institutional settings.
© 2022 Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.