Purpose: Adequate micronutrient intakes are essential for young children. Special young child formulae (YCF) intended for children from 1 year old are available in the Dutch market. Since YCF are enriched with many micronutrients, it has the potential to have a beneficial effect on young children, or might pose a risk on excessive micronutrient intakes. The current study investigated the characteristics of YCF users, and the effect of YCF use on micronutrient intakes.
Methods: Data from the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (2012-2016; n = 440 children aged 1-2 year old) and the Dutch Food Composition Database (NEVO version 2016) were used to assess micronutrient intakes. Habitual intakes of users and non-users of YCF were calculated using Statistical Program to Assess Dietary Exposure (SPADE) and compared.
Results: In the Netherlands, YCF was consumed by 21% of the 1-2-year-olds. YCF contributed mostly to total vitamin D intake (76%) and between 0 and 50% for other micronutrients. Higher vitamin A, B1, C, D, E, total folate, iron and zinc intakes were observed among users, and higher potassium and phosphorus intakes were found among non-users. Risk of inadequate intake was low among both users and non-users for most nutrients, and the only elevated risk of excessive intake found was for zinc among YCF users.
Conclusion: YCF increased micronutrient intake, however, for most of the micronutrients there is already a low risk of inadequate intake. YCF increased the risk of excessive zinc intake. It is important that the addition of micronutrients to YCF is regulated, to prevent excessive intake.
Keywords: Habitual intakes; Micronutrients; The Netherlands; Young child formulae.
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