Rumination Derails Reinforcement Learning with Possible Implications for Ineffective Behavior

Clin Psychol Sci. 2022 Jul;10(4):714-733. doi: 10.1177/21677026211051324. Epub 2021 Nov 1.


How does rumination affect reinforcement learning-the ubiquitous process by which we adjust behavior after error in order to behave more effectively in the future? In a within-subject design (n=49), we tested whether experimentally manipulated rumination disrupts reinforcement learning in a multidimensional learning task previously shown to rely on selective attention. Rumination impaired performance, yet unexpectedly this impairment could not be attributed to decreased attentional breadth (quantified using a "decay" parameter in a computational model). Instead, trait rumination (between subjects) was associated with higher decay rates (implying narrower attention), yet not with impaired performance. Our task-performance results accord with the possibility that state rumination promotes stress-generating behavior in part by disrupting reinforcement learning. The trait-rumination finding accords with the predictions of a prominent model of trait rumination (the attentional-scope model). More work is needed to understand the specific mechanisms by which state rumination disrupts reinforcement learning.

Keywords: Adaptive Behavior; Attention; Computational modeling; Computational psychiatry; Reinforcement learning; Rumination.